What is a Municipal Election?

municipal or local election is an election that takes place at the city, town, or county level to allow residents to choose their local  government leaders and representatives. In the Town of Tofield, the municipal election involves voting for a Mayor and four Councillors. 

 Key Points:

  • Purpose: Local elections determine who will represent the community in making decisions about local issues, such as infrastructure, community services, development, and budgets.
  • Timing: In Alberta they are held every four years.
  • Voters: Eligible residents of the municipality are encouraged to participate in these elections.
  • Impact: Decisions made by local governments directly influence day-to-day life, such as road maintenance, parks, and public safety

Municipal elections are essential for grassroots democracy, as they allow residents to have a direct say in how their communities are run.

October 31, 2024                                          

Campaign Period
Municipal Affairs Statutes Amendment Act in effect. Campaign period for 2025 Election begins.
Candidates may submit a Notice of Intent to Run. Prospective candidates can submit their notice of intent from now until September 22, 2025. Candidates may raise funds for their election campaigns during the campaign period, after they submit a notice of intent and appear on the Registry of Candidates.

 January 1 –    September 22, 2025                                   Nomination Period
To become a nominated candidate and appear on the ballot, a candidate must complete the nomination process and file all necessary forms and paperwork during the Nomination Period from January 1 to September 22, 2025.
 September 22, 2025

Nomination Day
All required nomination forms and paperwork must be submitted to Town Of Tofield by 12:00 PM (Noon) on Monday, September 22, 2025.

 October 20, 2025
Election Day
Unofficial results will be released as they become available after the voting stations close.

Are you interested in representing the Town of Tofield and providing community based leadership?  Do you have a passion for developing policies, strategic thinking, and providing sound decision making? 

Then being a Municipal Councillor might be just right for you!

Candidate Eligibility

Still looking for more information on what it all means? The Provincial Government, has created a series of videos that  offer valuable insights into what it means to serve on Council and the election process.

You are eligible to run in the 2025 municipal election if you are:

  • at least 18 years of age,
  • a Canadian citizen,
  • a resident of the Town of Tofield for the six (6) consecutive months before nomination day, and
  • not otherwise ineligible or disqualified under the Local Authorities Election Act.

In order to carry out the duties of a Municipal Councillor effectively, the Municipal Government Act (MGA) sets out roles and responsibilities that are to be acted upon.  The Province has provided a brief outline of these ‘Roles and Responsibilities of Municipal Officials’.

Councillors also need to attend meetings of other organizational bodies that they may be appointed to by Council. The Town works closely with local and regional partners on these various Boards and Committees List (2025).

The Alberta Municipalities has created a resource for those interested in running for municipal office – Running for Municipal Office | Alberta Municipalities

Please find below all the required forms along with important instructions. 

NOTE: If you wish to begin campaigning before submitting your nomination forms, you must complete the Notice of Intent form. This form can be submitted at any time before or alongside your nomination package.

Notice of Intent Details


Once completed:

  • Submit your Notice of Intent to the Returning Officer, Jeff Edwards, at the Town of Tofield Office.
  • If submitting before September 22, 2025, please book an appointment by emailing jedwards@tofieldalberta.ca .
  • For details of submitting by mail or via the Town drop box please call 780-662-3269.

Nominations Forms and Instructions:

Required Forms:

Important note: To access the forms correctly, please download them and open them in a PDF reader. Attempting to open them in a web browser may result in errors.

  • Notice of Intent: Online or Notice of Intent (PDF)
  • FORM 4-– Nomination Paper and Candidate’s Acceptance (must be opened in PDF reader, not a web browser)
  • FORM 5 – Candidate Financial Information (must be opened in PDF reader, not a web browser)

Alberta municipalities are required to establish a Permanent Elector Register and use the Register of Electors from Elections Alberta as a foundation. The Provincial Register will be used to create a List of Electors for municipal elections.

As in past elections, Form 13 – Electors Register will be available at voting station for individuals to complete who are not already listed on the Register. Please note that anyone who completes this form on Election Day will automatically be added to the Permanent Elector Register.

Registering in advance can be done through the Provincial Voter Link .

Additional information about elections, and the voting process, can be found at Elections Alberta.


Tofield Snow Goose Festival April 26 & 27, 2025
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