Home-Based Business Permit

Access the permit application form for developing a home-based business here: Development Permit Application 2018

When applying for a Home Occupation please submit the following information with the application form:

  • A site plan of the property (RPR if available or a legible hand-drawn plan) which shows all building structures on the property and the driveway location.
  • A floor plan of the house showing which room(s) are to be used for the proposed home occupation
  • Identify any improvements which are to be made to the home to accommodate the proposed home occupation (like installation of sinks for a hair salon, creating a separate entrance to office from outside, etc.)
  • Describe the nature of the business — what are you proposing to do
  • Describe the hours of operation and the number of employees
  • Describe where any materials or equipment associated with the business are to be stored.
  • Identify where parking is available for customers.

Depending on the information provided, additional information may also be requested.


HOME BUSINESS, MAJOR means the use of a principal dwelling, or combination of a principal dwelling and an accessory building, by a resident of the dwelling unit and a maximum of one (1) non-resident on-site employee for a business activity that may generate more than six (6) business associated visits per day. The business use must be secondary to the residential use of the building; shall not change the residential character of the dwelling or accessory structure; and shall occupy a maximum of 30% of the dwelling unit’s gross floor area plus a maximum of 30% of the gross floor area of all accessory buildings. This definition does not include cannabis retail sales or cannabis production and distribution.

HOME BUSINESS, MINOR means the use of a principal dwelling by a resident of the dwelling for a business activity which shall not require any business associated visits; shall not be detectable from outside the property; shall not have any non-resident employees and shall not extend to the use of the garage or outside yard. This use shall not include family day homes. This definition does not include cannabis retail sales or cannabis production and distribution.

Development and Planning Contact

Laraine Stuart
Phone: 780-886-2729
Email: laraine17stuart@gmail.com

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Tofield Snow Goose Festival April 26 & 27, 2025
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