Counselling Services
Alberta Health Services (AHS)
AHS Children’s Mental Health
Children’s Mental Health
Christine Danylek, Child Therapist
5407 – 50 Street
Tofield, AB T0B 4J0
Book through AHS Central Line 1-888-594-0211 and request to see Christine at the Tofield/Beaver West FCSS office on Thursdays.
AHS, Community Addiction and Mental Health
Sherwin Ward, Addiction Counsellor
4911 – 47 St.
Camrose, AB T4V 1J9
Book through AHS Central Line 1-888-594-0211 and request to see Christine at the Tofield/Beaver West FCSS office on Thursdays.
Camrose Family Resource Centre
Krista Lantz, Program Coordinator
4823 51 Street,
Camrose, AB, T4V 1R9
Office: 780-672-0141
Krista access space in the Tofield/Beaver County FCSS office every Tuesday.
Community Correctional Services
Probation Officer — Every 2nd Friday
Telephone: 780-464-4244
Fax: 780-449-4509
Tofield, Ryley & Area (TRA) Food Bank
Tofield, Ryley and Area Food Bank is available to families, seniors and individuals in need.
If you require a food hamper, please contact the Food Bank at 780-662-3511. Phone messages are checked regularly.
You will be asked:
- To provide a home address to confirm that you live within the Tofield, Ryley and Area Food Bank service area;
- How many people are in your household;
- For your Alberta Health Care number or other government ID for each person in your household.
This information will assist in providing an appropriately sized food hamper.
What is in a hamper?
Hampers typically include:
- Soup
- Bread
- Margarine
- Canned beans
- Canned veggies
- Pasta
- Rice
- Meat
- Cereal
Depending on the needs of the family and our food supply at the time, additional items such as school lunch foods, flour, sugar, tea/coffee and oatmeal may be included.
As the Food Bank provides a short-term solution for those in need, note that food hampers are intended to last 4–5 days.
Visit trafoodbank.ca for more information.
WECAN Food Basket Society
The WECAN Food Basket Society operates as a “warehouse without walls” — they buy all their food in bulk and distribute it to their community-based depots. Volunteers working with local churches, community centres, social service agencies and day cares, operate the depots located throughout the greater Edmonton area. Once a month, volunteer drivers pick up the food from our supplier, The Grocery People Warehouse, and take it to the depots. Our volunteers then count, sort and pack the baskets ready for pick up.
Mission Statement
The WECAN Food Basket Society provides families and individuals with food security by giving them the opportunity to purchase nutritious food at an affordable price.
The Program in Tofield-Ryley
Members prepay for their food baskets by the first Friday of each month by depositing their order envelope (Tofield) in the book depository at the Tofield Municipal Library, or in the mail slot at the Village of Ryley Office. Then, orders can be picked up on the third or fourth Thursday of the month at (Tofield) Bardo Lutheran Church, or (Ryley) Ryley Municipal Office.
A WECAN Food Basket consists of:
Meat order ($15): 2–3 cuts of frozen meat
Produce order ($10): 3 types of fresh vegetables and 3 kinds of seasonal fruit
Members can order whatever quantity of each order they would like. For example: 2 produce + 1 meat = $35 OR 2 meat + 1 produce = $40.
For more information call:
WECAN Food Basket Society of Alberta
Website: wecanfood.com
Email the Tofield Depot at: TofieldWECAN@gmail.com
Tofield Depot Payment at:
Tofield Municipal Library
5407 – 50 street
Place your cash in an envelope with your name, phone number and order, then drop it into the book return slot.
Pick Up At:
Bardo Lutheran Church
4737 57 Ave
Third Thursday of each month from 4PM–6PM
Ryley Depot Payment at:
Ryley Municipal Office
5005 – 50 Street
Place your cash in an envelope with your name, phone number and order, then drop it in the letter slot in Village Office door by 4:00PM Friday.
Pick Up At:
Ryley Municipal Office
3:15pm to 4:15pm