Tofield Bus

Accessible Transportation Options for Tofield and Area!
- Capacity: 18 passengers
- Wheelchair accessible (max 4)
- Electric lift
- Available for year-round bookings (max 4 consecutive days)
- Air conditioning, AM/FM/CD and radio
- Stored in a heated bus garage in Town of Tofield public works yard
- Emergency cell-phone available for all renters
- Can be booked by special needs, youths, adults and senior groups
- Can travel anywhere within Alberta
Regular Shuttle Service
Tofield Handivan Society would like to acknowledge funding support for the shuttle services provided by Beaver Municipal Solutions Grant.
To book the shuttle, please contact the Town of Tofield at (780) 662-3269.
Shuttle service run as follows:
- Every Tuesday & Thursday
- 9:00 am to 1:00 pm
- Cost: $7.00 / return trip (or purchase a book of 5 tickets for $30 from the driver)
Use this shuttle for medical tests at Tofield Health Centre, doctors/dental appointments, prescription pick-ups, banking/shopping etc. WITHIN TOFIELD. Pick-up and return to your doorstep! Shuttle service is available to residents within Tofield, including those at the Tofield L
Rental Fees
$1.20/km Minimum of $30 Plus driver fee | $20 for the first hour $10 for each additional hour Minimum of $30 Plus driver fee | $20/hour Minimum 3 hours |
DESIGNATED DRIVERS will be approved to drive for bookings where the wheelchair lift is required. Designated Drivers have been trained on the use of the wheelchair lift, including the safe handling and transport of passengers in wheelchairs or walkers.
Groups renting the bus that do NOT require the lift, may provide their own driver, but MUST provide the following information for that driver:
- Proof of valid Class 1, 2 or 4 License
- A copy of a Driver’s Abstract obtained within the last 12 months showing fewer than 6 demerits
Invoices for all rentals will be made at the end of each month, unless other arrangements have been made.
Payments are to be made at the Tofield Town Office (5407 50 St.) or can be mailed to:
Town of Tofield,
Box 30, Tofield, AB T0B 4J0
To book the Tofield bus, contact the Town of Tofield at 780-662-3269.
Sunday Church Shuttle
From Tofield Lodge and Sunshine Villa: pick up and return to services at Tofield Community Church, Tofield Alliance Church, Bardo Lutheran Church and Tofield United Church . This FREE service sponsored by the participating churches.
Tofield Handivan Society
In 1990, a group of citizens formed an organization to raise funds for the purchase of a Handivan to use in the Tofield area. Their efforts, and generous community support, made it possible to purchase the “Tofield Handivan”.
In 1996, the Tofield Handivan was made available to groups within the community who may not require the lift, and the operational name was changed to “Tofield Bus”. Although currently, day-to-day operations of the bus are the responsibility of Town of Tofield, the Handivan Society remains active and oversees these operations.
The Society has been successful at obtaining grants for the continued operations of the Tofield Bus. In addition, generous donations from the community, memorial donations and fundraising efforts by other groups have supported the continued operations of the bus and van.
Volunteer for a good cause! New board members are welcome! AGM in February. If you would like more information regarding the bus, the Tofield Handivan Society or about making a donation, please contact:
Jim Warren (President) at 780-662-0004 or Theresa Manderson (Treasurer) at 780-662-2490.
Volunteer for a good cause! New Board Members are welcome! AGM.