Dog Licenses

Dog owners are required to license their dogs with the Town of Tofield before March 31st of every year. Licenses are available for purchase at The Town of Tofield Office. 

When you receive your license, you will be given a metal dog tag that your dog will have to always wear. There are no refunds and tags cannot be transferred to another dog.

Why License?

If lost, your dog can be identified and returned to you if the contact information is current. 

Dog licenses can prevent unnecessary expenses in dog pound fees and/or fines. 

The dog license fee $30. 

The Town of Tofield is often asked for more information on certain animal bylaws. We have made these available in PDF form for public viewing: 

Animal-related penalties [PDF]

Get in touch!

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Tofield Snow Goose Festival April 26 & 27, 2025
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