
The Tofield Cemetery is located approximately one and a half miles north of town, on the west side of Secondary Highway 834.

Researchers are advised to contact the Town of Tofield directly, for cemetery records within the last 25 years. Another source is the publication “Seven Cemeteries in the Tofield Area” published by The Alberta Genealogical Society.

Bylaw 1325- Cemetery Rates [PDF]



For information about purchasing burial plots or how to locate a plot, please contact the Town Office (780-662-3269)

Prices as of December 1, 2023

  1. Sale of grave plot: $720.00
  2. Perpetual care per grave plot: $750.00
  3. Opening and closing of grave: $620.00
  4. Opening and closing — cremation: $415.00
  5. Columbarium niche: $1550.00
  6. Additional fee outside of normal working hours: $415.00
  7. Additional Fee Statutory Holiday $600.00
  8. Disinterment: $2000.00


Tofield Cemetery now has 2 Columbariums. Each Niche holds 2 Urns.

Cost: $1550.00 + GST (includes name plaque)

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Tofield Snow Goose Festival April 26 & 27, 2025
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